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Day 30 Napowrimo


Updated: Jun 10, 2024

This is the final day of NaPoWriMo 2024 and I chose to feature my poem I wrote during Christopher Luna's Tuesday morning Zoom workshop called The Work. I'm endlessly grateful for Chris's ability to compose prompts that challenge and inspire.

I wrote this in response to Giannina Braschi's Poem "Poetry is this Screaming Madwoman". Luna's prompts were "Write your own ars poetica" & "Write a poem that repeats the phrase 'I can't do anything but...'".

I've been writing poems during April Poetry Month since 2015. It'll be ten years in 2025. It's crazy to look back at the poems I've written and see how far I've come in my poetry and how far I've come in my life. It's a wonderful thing to have a creative record of myself from nine years ago, condensed in the form of poetry. Strange and beautiful. I started this blog just in 2023, but all my past years of napowrimo are on my old archived Blogger account here.

And just a quick summary of all the inspiration this month. Christopher Luna's The Work,, Rattle Ekphrastic, Poets and Writers The Time is Now, Indigo by Ellen Bass (thank you to my friend and fellow poet Kathy Szpekman for sending the book my way), The Trees Witness Everything by Victoria Chang, and The Baby on the Fire Escape by Julie Phillips (which helped me through mother-guilt and creative-guilt).

Diwali mandala
Diwali mandala


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