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Day 3 - Napowrimo - Parable


I decided to use the Day 3 prompt from and make my own parable, or something as close as I could get to my own parable.

Grandmother Hydra – A Parable


A grandmother & granddaughter

sit at a table searching in a book

of line drawings for the right picture

to color into a multifaceted rainbow.


Cookies warm and spread out in the oven.

Their fragrance escapes out the open

window where the chick-a-dee sings

in the cedar. I want there to be a lesson,


to turn it over like a coin. I want

memory to have two sides, heads or tails,

Look. See. The grandmother grows

so many heads and eyes and tails and


granddaughter is so afraid, she forgets

to speak and what isn’t used is lost.

It was never nine long nights strung on

the tree of life, it was never an eye plucked


for wisdom. It was the voice, the tongue,

to lose the chance to declare existence.

And grandmother plucked her throat

like a string, and that is the end of days.


There is no happily ever after, it’s just this

poem and the sound of a pen clawing

across the page which sounds the same

as a chick-a-dee scratching at the bark


of a cedar branch, sounds the same as

the word dissolve as a grandmother

moans into her metamorphosis,

sounds the same as memory recalled.

hydra, mother hydra, miskatonic university
Mother-Hydra: Miskatonic University


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Apr 13, 2024

Thank you Kathy! And thank you for all the great comments on this poem yesterday! :)


kat szpekman
kat szpekman
Apr 11, 2024

What a gorgeously sad memory of longing. The use of an image of a hydra - a monster to speak of a grandmother - so surprising and powerful. I love this poem.

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