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Day 19 Napowrimo


I'm catching up as the last two days have been spent on a home renovation project. Our master bedroom has had one wall covered in old crate wood. The previous owners of our home thought that the crate wood (unfinished, unvarnished and full of spliters and old rusted nails) was a good look. My husband and I demolished the old panelling and put up new panels on a vertical look. The photos below are our before and after.

My poem today is sort of like a before and after of the self. A before and the reflection on it after...

Untitled Existence


The loops of my handwriting

connect and disconnect. What is love,

but to admit not loving & then

forgiving oneself for not always

being in love with oneself. My hand

writing is difficult to read because

maybe I’m difficult to read, maybe

this is my armor I started building

years ago, when I witnessed my mother

crying the day into gray, tears melting

into raincloud carpet. Days felt

like so many other days that followed

where stories became memories, truth

was never in doubt. I took everything

she told me and stored it away, believed

everything to the core of my body

and now I unpack myself, and I cannot

find where I end and where she begins,

where am I at but nowhere, who am I

but a culmination of everyone else—

Before. Look at all that exposed and splintered wood!




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