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Day 18 Napowrimo


I found inspiration to write today's poem from Victoria Chang's The Trees Witness Everything. I'm a big fan of Chang's poetry and I am getting close to have read every poetry collection by her, including her epistolary book Dear Memory.

Starting Over

            After Victoria Chang


Let my topics be served blanched and salted

on dinner plates, let my lost notebooks

and my lost poems be monsters within

fables and nursery rhymes, let me be

a fable too, a wind chime inside a dream,

musical notes waiting for dissonance into

harmony, to forget and overwhelm the

small mouthfuls of doubts, and fill the

tongue with words to say I can do this,

I can wear beige in summer and white

after Labor day, I can break the rules

of poems if I bite small mouthfuls of praise.


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