I followed today's prompt on napowrimo.net, which was to start each line of a poem with the same word or phrase. I chose "start with" to begin each line. This poem ended up being in the form of a prose poem with back slashes to assume a new line. No punctuation or capitalization. I wanted the words to run together, to blur, to become one.
start with the roots and then the trees / start with the air existing as a breath / start with a cut on the abdomen, then a child existing like a breath / start with a name and build a story or a life or both / start with the wind and enter the fur trees releasing their pollen / start with a woman, enter the mother as the child enters / start with a beginning in the middle of a story and enter another and another / start with a life and enter a thousand beginnings / start with a beginning and end with a beginning and then start again and again / start with a chapter that never ends but begins at a different beginning in the middle of a beginning at the end of a beginning until everything begins