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Day 10 Napowrimo


Thank you to Christopher Luna again for his Tuesday Zoom poetry session. The sonnet I wrote below exists because of his prompt inspired by Richard Serra's process for creating "Verb List" 1967. The prompt asked to build a long list of verbs and then create a poem from one or many of the verbs.



I crave to hand you my open body,

strike the matches of my fingers,

squint my eyes against your bright

moments. I want to glaze over time,

dip my hours into a revised self.

I kiss you on this night and a breeze

enters an open window. I clothe

our exhaustion into a bedsheet of moon

glow. I browse your body like a shelf of books,

but you are unreadable. In your gaze,

I feel remembered, but more I feel scoured,

like when you whisper your mantras in puja,

pray before your gods and your offerings

and the air around you is vermillion clean.

Richard Serra's "Verb list" 1967


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kat szpekman
kat szpekman
Apr 11, 2024

"...In your gaze,

I feel remembered,"

This is lovely.

Apr 14, 2024
Replying to

Thank you Kathy!!!!


Maria L Berg
Maria L Berg
Apr 10, 2024

Thank you for the links. I really enjoyed the MoMA videos. The ending of your poem is thought provoking.

Apr 10, 2024
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Thank you Maria!

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